Thursday, May 17, 2012

Setting up Selenium Web driver

Selenium is a popular open source automation tool. Working with selenium is quite easy. The advantage in selenium is you can use various programming languages like Java, C#, Ruby, Python etc.

You can use Java because it has many features and it is secured. I'm using Eclipse for developing the scripts.

Steps for setting up selenium web driver 2.0


  • Download latest version of eclipse.
  • Ensure your system has jdk version 1.6 and above.
  • Download Selenium Standalone server (latest version 2.21) Download here

Creating a new project:
  • Open Eclipse.
  • Go to File -> New -> Java project.
  • Create a package and class under the project.
  • Right click your project. Go to Build Path -> Configure Build Path.
  • Add the selenium standalone server under libraries.
Now write the scripts and run the project as Junit test(Alt+Shift+X,T).

Click here for a simple example.

1 comment:

  1. I already export my coding from selenium ide , but I doesn't know about the verification of my coding for assert and test just run but I cant tell that I am actually doing a testing..Please help..I'm new to selenium thingy..
